How to benefit from deliberately breaking rules
“You are remembered for the rules you break.” Douglas MacArthur, 5 Star General Breaking certain rules can result in huge benefits – but can also cause your worst nightmares. There comes a time when it becomes necessary to break a rule, simply to break control of others or a situation and to set yourself free to…
Read MoreThoughts People with High Self-Worth Have
The most confident and happy people we know are the ones who have high self-worth. But how did they get that way? Are some people just born with a better sense of value? Or do they make a practice of acting a certain way, which helps to keep them feeling positive about who they are?…
Read MoreHow to Empower Yourself by Breaking the Rules
Breaking the rules can empower you – yes, really. Rules can severely limit your beliefs and purpose in life, keeping you back from expressing emotions and from trying new things. Think about the negative things you tell yourself on a daily basis – “My parents said I couldn’t do that,” “I don’t have the brains…
Read MoreHow to benefit from deliberately breaking rules
“You are remembered for the rules you break.” General Douglas MacArthur Breaking certain rules can result in huge benefits – but can also cause your worst nightmares. There comes a time when it becomes necessary to break a rule, simply to break control of a situation and to set yourself free. Here are some perks…
Read MoreWhy take charge of your life to manage your destiny?
You cannot take charge of your life when you do not know what it is really all about and why it is something that you need to work for. Do you look at the lives of people around you and wonder how they achieved the kind of life that they have when your own seems…
Read MoreThe Two-Step Process for Getting Smarter
Oh no, I could never do that… I’m not smart enough. So you think you need a high IQ? All too frequently, this is the kind of thing you hear from people who have big dreams… but who think they don’t have what it takes to make those dreams come true. They not only think…
Read MoreA Whole New Mind – a whole new world
A Whole New Mind: Why Right-Brainers Will Rule the Future by Daniel Pink describes the dawning of the ‘Conceptual Age’. Just as information workers surpassed physical labourers in economic importance, Pink claims, the workplace terrain is changing yet again, and power will inevitably shift to people who possess strong right-brain qualities – inventiveness, empathy, meaning. According…
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